¡Adiós Guatemala,
hasta que te vea de nuevo! (Until I see you again!)
Today is our final clinical day in Guatemala! We have
enjoyed our time here, and we’ll leave with many fond memories of this
beautiful country!
G5 started the morning working with Las Obras physical
therapists. Sabina and Jessica worked in the nursery during the early hours of
the morning. After spending time with Las Obras youngest patients, Sabina
collaborated with Las Obras physical therapists in pediatrics, while Jessica
worked in young adults. Jessica identified many contracture and movement-discrepancy
similarities between pediatric patients and young adults at Las Obras. Deidra
spent the morning working in Pediatrics, and increased her clinical skills in
pediatric handling techniques, as well as wheelchair assessment. Joe had an
interesting situation happen while working in older adults. Upon discovering
Joe spoke English, a patient became nervous and placed a handkerchief over her
face. Joe used his clinical skills to reassure the patient, and she began to
relax and open up more. Treating in collaboration with Las Obras physical
therapists, Joe helped facilitate improvement in many older adult patient’s
trunk control, coordination and walking. Gary rounded out the morning in
orthopedics, treating mostly low-back pain at Las Obras outpatient physical
therapy clinic.
Before lunch, UNC physical therapist Cathy Howes presented to
Las Obras physical therapy staff and students on handling and positioning
techniques in the pediatric physical therapy setting. After Cathy’s
presentation, Las Obras physical therapy staff and students took pictures with
the UNC physical therapy group, and all shared in a delicious lunch from Rincon
Tipico. Solemn goodbyes were said to the marvelous and dedicated physical
therapy staff of Las Obras, it was an honor working side-by-side with such
outstanding therapists. We will miss you guys!!
Las Obras PT's and students with the UNC PT group - ¡Buenos Amigos!
In the afternoon, G5 worked their final health fair at “Escuela Oficial Urbana de Ninas Leonor
Rosales Vda. de Ramirez” in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala.
Escuela Oficial Urbana de Ninas Leonor
Rosales Vda. de Ramirez” in Santa Maria de Jesus, Guatemala |
continued her work at the nutrition station teaching individuals the importance
of a balanced diet; she also gave out over 100 apples and 30 peaches! Sabina
continued her discussions and demonstrations with soon-to-be and existing
mothers, and discussed things such as proper infant positioning and swaddling.
Joe taught individuals the importance of cleaning their vegetables and fruits
properly, NOT sharing combs, and the correct way to wash their hands. Joe’s
afternoon was highlighted by teaching the hand washing song (designed for
children) to a group of adult male laborers! Leadership team member and UNC-DPT
alum Darcy Cooper manned the back pain station. She did an excellent job instructing and demonstrating
techniques to health fair attendees on how to prevent and treat dolor de espalda (back pain). Jessica
took blood pressure readings from the health fair participants, and discussed
ways to reduce high blood pressure. Jessica really got to work on her Spanish
speaking skills, as her station was one of the more popular destinations of the
health fair attendees. When Jessica ran out of handouts, our excursion leader
and overall wonderful Guatemalan tour guide Hugo came to the rescue and printed
Deidra discussing the benefits of a balanced healthy diet. |
Joe teaching hygiene and food cleaning. |
Jessica was moved when a women personally thanked her and
the group for coming to Guatemala to work with their community. The women
stated the information we were teaching was very much needed (especially by the
women) in their community. G5 estimates around 130+ individuals were in attendance
at this health fair, it is an awesome feeling to know we have touched so many
lives in a positive way during our time in Guatemala!!
Our evening ended with a delicious dinner with our 2
translators Eduardo and Iris, and of course, the man himself, Hugo! We discovered
Iris created hand made bracelets, and she gifted one to each of us for free!
Adiós Guatemala!! We have learned so much and enjoyed our
time here immensely!! Until we meet again, ¡un
brindis a su salud! (A toast to your health!)
¡Adiós from G5! |
Written By: Gary Johnson