Wednesday, April 24, 2019

First Day in Los Obros

 Today was our first day at Las Obras! We arrived yesterday and after a good night sleep we were excited to begin at the hospital. We split up into three groups across the treatment areas of the facility. One group worked with pediatric residents, one with adults and one with geriatric residents. Right away, we were welcomed into the physical therapy gyms and began to work with the residents. We spent time working on positioning in wheel chairs, walking, seated balance, range of motion, and transfers along side the physical therapy staff and local physical therapy students. We were amazed at the strong relationships between the staff and the residents as well as the beautiful facilities. They moved into their new building two and a half years ago, and it was obvious how proud and thankful they were to be able to serve the people of Guatemala. At the end of out clinic day we met with Xiomara, the volunteer coordinator, and she gave us a tour. What stood out was the abundant success  Las Obras has with volunteer support. Additionally, Xiomara described the different ways residents are involved in the community. Most recently, several of the  residents cut up confetti for the massive Holy Week processions in Antigua. Outings and crafts to support local events are a big part of their regular schedule. 
After a morning at Las Obras, we walked to our Spanish lessons and have an overwhelming and massively helpful three hours in class. We were toured in small groups based on proficiency. Besides learning vocabulary, it was fascinating to speak with locals about their typical days and community. We all felt that the time spent practicing Spanish will help us communicate and work with people in Guatemala as well as at home.

After a full day, we met to debrief and share our thoughts and experiences. All were impressed with the facilities, the generosity and openness of the staff, and are excited for a great second day!
Deborah Guthman and Elise Widman

1 comment:

  1. So glad y'all have already posted on day 1! Enjoy the experience and take it all in!
